Introduction to configuring the nautical product library in Oracle (Maritime Charting)

This guide book provides the necessary steps to set up a nautical product library geodatabase on an Oracle database system. It is meant for administrators and broadly covers Oracle database configuration and product library creation, setup, and configuration. It is recommended that the product library be implemented as a separate user-schema geodatabase in a single Oracle instance.

If you don't already have one, a master geodatabase needs to be created under the sde schema that keeps track of the user-schema geodatabases and contains the ST_Geometry type, its subtypes and functions, and the ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCES system table.

The product library geodatabase contains its own ArcSDE and geodatabase system tables and will contain all of the GIS feature classes and tables that support the ArcGIS for Maritime : Création de diagrammes.

If additional schemas are needed to implement other Esri products such as ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop or ArcGIS Workflow Manager pour Desktop, it is recommended that these also be created as separate user-schema geodatabases. You only need one master sde geodatabase for all the user-schema geodatabases.

Before starting this guide book, you need to install the ArcSDE service and/or Oracle software.

ArcSDE service software installation

Connections to enterprise geodatabases use direct connections by default, but the ArcSDE application service is required if you want to connect to your geodatabase using the ArcSDE service connections. Direct connections are recommended for the ArcGIS for Maritime : Création de diagrammes.

If you will only be using direct connections and don't want the administration command line tools, then ArcSDE installation isn't required.

If you want to install the ArcSDE application service and/or the administration command line tools, you need to download the ArcSDE installation files for your database management system and operating system from the Esri Customer Care portal. It may be useful to install the ArcSDE administration command line tools to perform certain advanced configuration operations.

Learn more about an ArcSDE service

Oracle software installation

Oracle software media kit contains instructions to install Oracle on different platforms. Refer to software media kits for an easy and fast installation. Alternatively, review documentation provided in the link below.

Learn more about installing Oracle 11g standard edition software on Windows

Initialization parameters

It is recommended that you ensure the following configuration parameters and options are used during the database configuration process.

Parameter name


Configure with Enterprise Manager (OEM)


Database Components

Minimum: Oracle Text, Enterprise Manager Repository (if configuring with OEM)

Automatic Memory Management


Character Sets

Unicode (AL32UTF8)





Oracle initialization parameters