A quick tour of Data Reviewer (Production Mapping)

This is a high-level overview of the user interface components that allow you to access and use ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop functionality.

The Data Reviewer toolbar

The Data Reviewer toolbar in ArcMap provides several tools you can use to manage and run quality control processes on your data. It includes tools for managing Reviewer sessions, configuring checks and batch jobs, and creating polygon grids. The menu on the toolbar contains additional tools that perform positional accuracy assessment and other advanced tasks.

Data Reviewer toolbar

Reviewer Session Manager

The Reviewer Session Manager is used to start and stop Reviewer sessions and configure other properties related to a Reviewer session. Basic properties for a Reviewer session include the Reviewer workspace, which is the workspace where you want to store the session information; the user name; and the session ID and name.

You can also specify more advanced properties for the Reviewer session, such as the methods that are going to be used to validate the data, which default checks are run when a batch job is executed, and which workspace you want to use to store the database properties. For example, you can specify which default checks are going to run when you run a batch job and add fields to the Reviewer table that are displayed with other columns in the table.

Reviewer Session Manager dialog box


The dialog boxes for each check contain parameters that allow you to specify the feature classes and tables on which you want to run the check as well as other information required to run the check. Each check can have different parameters based on the conditions it is going to find.

An example of a check with the primary properties

Learn more about checks included with Data Reviewer

Composite check

The Composite Check dialog box allows you to check for multiple conditions using the same feature class or table. For example, you can use a composite check to find bridges that do not overlap any roads or railroads.

Learn more about composite checks

An example of a composite check that has been configured

Batch Job Manager

The Reviewer Batch Job Manager is used to create, modify, and validate batch jobs, or groups of checks.

Learn more about the Batch Job Manager

The Reviewer Batch Job Manager with a batch job loaded

Browse Features window

After you run an individual check in Data Reviewer, you can choose to browse the results instead of committing them to the Reviewer table. This allows you to browse the check results with the Browse Features window, where you can selectively commit features as records in the Reviewer table or choose to write all the results to the table. For instance, if you run the Execute SQL check on your data and have seven results returned, you could choose to browse the results and only write the features that need to be corrected to the Reviewer table.

The Browse Features window can also be used for data analysis. You can choose to browse through a selected set of features in the map to visually inspect data. For instance, there could be a polygon or index feature class that could be loaded in the map to represent extents for map documents. Rather than trying to visually inspect all the data at once, you can choose all the features within a smaller extent that could represent your current area of interest.

The Browse Features window

The Reviewer table

The Reviewer table is a window that displays the records or results that have been found using Reviewer checks and visual review and allows you to work with the records and configure the table. Using the Reviewer table, you can zoom to individual features that have been recorded in the Reviewer table as well as zoom to their individual parts as applicable. The Reviewer table contains the features and database records that are returned by the checks that are run in the form of a batch job or individually. The features that fall within the thresholds defined in the checks are recorded in the Reviewer table so they can be corrected and evaluated as needed. The Reviewer table also contains any features or rows that have been committed through manual or visual review processes.

Reviewer Table window

Tools on the Reviewer table

There are several tools that can be accessed in the left-hand pane in the Reviewer Table window. The tools under the General bar provide ways for you to work with records in the Reviewer table, including editing the text in table fields. The tools under the Notepad bar allow you to sketch missing features in the map, which are then written to the Reviewer table as records.

The General tools in the Reviewer Table window allow you to perform a variety of functions that involve the Reviewer table and individual records. The tools under the General bar are as follows:




Toggle Table Edit Mode

Toggle Edit Table Mode

Toggles the ability to edit field values in the Reviewer table

Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records

Symbolize Reviewer Feature Records

Symbolizes feature records in ArcMap that are listed in the Reviewer table

Grid Selection Tool

Grid Selection Tool

Selects cells from a polygon grid linked to the Reviewer table and only shows those records in the Reviewer table

Reviewer Table Properties

Reviewer Table Properties

Allows you to configure properties for the Reviewer table

Show Record Bitmap

Show Record Bitmap

Displays a bitmap of the location recorded by the Flag Missing Feature tool

Repeat Existing Record

Repeat Existing Record

Copies single record's review information to a newly digitized record

General tools on the Reviewer table and their functions

The tools under the Notepad bar in the Reviewer table allow you to draw missing features in the map, which are then stored in the Reviewer table. These tools are as follows:




Line Notepad

Line Notepad

Draws missing line features in the map

Point Notepad

Point Notepad

Draws missing point features in the map

Polygon Notepad

Polygon Notepad

Draws missing polygon features in the map

Notepad tools on the Reviewer table and their functions

Data Reviewer toolbox

The Data Reviewer geoprocessing toolbox contains tools that allow you to create and delete a Reviewer session, execute a batch job, and compare the schemas of two geodatabases. You can also write the output from another geoprocessing tool to the Reviewer table when it is a feature class, table, or layer.


Learn more about the Data Reviewer toolbox

Data Reviewer service

The Data Reviewer service is a Windows service that allows you to run batch jobs on a specified dataset once or at regular intervals.

Learn more about the Data Reviewer service

