Modifying nautical symbology properties (Maritime Charting)

Nautical symbology properties allows for quick calculation of depth tints and safety contour representations in the DepthsA and DepthsL feature classes. Changing the property values will modify the extent of the blue tint and safety contour limit of the entire chart.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Open the product map document if necessary.
  3. Ensure the DepthsL and DepthsA layers have been added to the map document.

    The DepthsL layer relates to the safety contour properties and the DepthsA layer relates to the depth tint properties.

  4. In the Table Of Contents window, click the List By Source button ソース別にリスト.
  5. Ensure you are in the appropriate edit version for all feature classes to calculate symbology.
  6. In the Table Of Contents window, click the Nautical feature dataset.
  7. On the Nautical Symbology toolbar, click Symbology > Properties.
  8. Select the symbology for your chart.

    The symbology you select will depend on what nautical symbology is applied to the chart, either INT1 or your National symbology.

    The Properties dialog box appears.

  9. Type the values for Depth Band 1 and Depth Band 2.

    The depth band values determine the shading for DepthsA depth area polygons. For example, if Depth Band 1 = 10 and Depth Band 2 = 50, then all depth areas with depth values ranging from zero to ten are filled with dark blue shading, and all depth areas with depth values ranging above ten up to fifty are filled with light blue shading.

  10. Type a value for Depth Value.

    The depth value determines the DepthsL depth contour feature(s) to be depicted with safety contour ribbon symbology.

  11. Click OK.

    The Calculate Symbology dialog box appears.

  12. Click OK.

    The option to Preserve Free Representations is not required on these layers.

