ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Application Object Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method ActivateSets the focus to the ArcPad application.
Public Method BeepPlays a beep sound.
Public Method CreateAppObjectCreates and returns a reference to a creatable ArcPad object.
Public Method CreateSysObjectCreates and returns a reference to an ActiveX object that is supported on the current device.
Public Method EvaluateEvaluates the specified expression in the application's scripting space and returns the result.
Public Method ExecuteExecutes the specified script in the application's scripting space.
Public Method ExecuteCommandExecutes the specified internal tool button command.
Public Method GetProfileIntRetrieves the integer value of a string associated with an entry within the specified section in the ArcPad.ini file (on desktop Windows) or ArcPad's registry entry (on Windows CE).
Public Method GetProfileStringRetrieves the string associated with an entry within the specified section in the ArcPad.ini file (on desktop Windows) or ArcPad's registry entry (on Windows CE).
Public Method InputBoxDisplays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns the contents of the text box.
Public Method LogAppends to ArcPad.log
Public Method MessageBoxDisplays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button, and returns a value indicating which button the user clicked.
Public Method PlaySoundPlays the specified .WAV file.
Public Method QuitQuits ArcPad.
Public Method RunRuns the specified application.
Public Method SetFullScreenToggles Taskbar, SIP, StartIcon, Commmandbar
Public Method WaitCursorChanges the pointer to the wait pointer.
Public Method WriteProfileIntWrites the specified value into the specified section in the ArcPad.ini file (on desktop Windows) or ArcPad's registry entry (on Windows CE).
Public Method WriteProfileStringWrites the specified string into the specified section in the ArcPad.ini file (on desktop Windows) or ArcPad's registry entry (on Windows CE).

Public Properties

Public Property AppletsReturns a reference to the global Applets object.
Public Property CaptionReturns or sets the text in the ArcPad application window's titlebar.
Public Property ExtensionsReturns a reference to the global Extensions object.
Public Property FilePathReturns the path of the ArcPad executable file (ArcPad.exe), including the file name.
Public Property FormsReturns a reference to the application's forms.
Public Property GPSReturns a reference to the global GPS object.
Public Property hInstanceReturns the instance handle of the ArcPad instance.
Public Property hResourceReturns the resource handle of the ArcPad resource.
Public Property hWndReturns the window handle of the ArcPad window.
Public Property LCIDReturns the Locale ID of ArcPad's current locale.
Public Property MapReturns a reference to the global Map object.
Public Property PathReturns the path to the folder that contains the ArcPad executable file (ArcPad.exe).
Public Property PropertiesReturns or sets infrequently used Application properties.
Public Property StatusBarReturns a reference to the global StatusBar object.
Public Property SystemReturns a reference to the global System object.
Public Property TimerReturns a reference to the global Timer object.
Public Property ToolBarsReturns a reference to the global ToolBars object.
Public Property UserReturns or sets the current user.
Public Property UserPropertiesReturns or sets a variable that is global to the ArcPad application.


Public Event OnDefaultValueOccurs when a new feature in a feature class is being created.
Public Event OnExEventOccurs when an external event is received.
Public Event OnPowerOccurs when ArcPad receives a WM_POWERBROADCAST message from the operating system.
Public Event OnPreferencesChangedOccurs when any of the preferences are changed in the ArcPad Options dialog box.
Public Event OnShutdownOccurs when ArcPad is shutdown.
Public Event OnStartupOccurs when ArcPad is started.
Public Event OnTimerOccurs when the global timer is triggered.

See Also

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