Close | Closes the connection to the GPS port. |
Escape | Sends from one to three arguments to a GPS extension. |
Open | Opens the connection to the GPS port. |
Write | Writes the specified text to the GPS port. |
WriteByte | Writes a single byte to the GPS port. |
WriteLine | Writes an optional string and newline character to the GPS port. |
WriteSentence | Writes a string and newline character to the GPS port. A NMEA checksum is automatically appended to the end of the string before sending (that is, a * followed by a 2 character hex value). |
Altitude | Returns the current altitude in the native datum of the GPS. |
AutoPanMargin | Returns or sets the percentage towards the edge of the screen that the GPS cursor must reach before the map is automatically panned. |
ExProperties | Gets or sets a property from the currently active GPS extension. |
IsOpen | Returns True if the GPS port is open; False otherwise. |
IsValidFix | Returns True if the current GPS fix is valid; False otherwise. |
Latitude | Returns the current latitude in the native datum of the GPS. |
Longitude | Returns the current longitude in the native datum of the GPS. |
Properties | Returns the current value of the specified GPS property. |
Protocol | Returns the current protocol of the GPS. |
QualityRadius | Returns or sets a value that controls the quality radius displayed around the GPS cursor. This radius indicates the current EPE, HPE, or a fixed distance. |
Satellites | Returns a reference to the Satellites collection. |
Sentence | Returns the last NMEA sentence received from the GPS. Either the complete NMEA sentence or a particular data field can be requested. |
x | Returns the current X position (Easting) in the current datum of the map. |
y | Returns the current Y position (Northing) in the current datum of the map. |
Z | Returns the current Z position (Elevation) in the current datum of the map. |
OnAverageStart | Occurs when averaging starts for a GPS point or vertex. |
OnAverageStop | Occurs when averaging stops for a GPS point or vertex. |
OnClose | Occurs when the GPS receiver is deactivated. |
OnExEvent | Occurs when an external event is received from a GPS extension. |
OnOpen | Occurs when the GPS receiver is activated. |
OnPosition | Occurs when a position update is received from the GPS receiver. |
OnSentence | Occurs when a NMEA sentence is received from the GPS receiver. |