About modifying an address locator's settings

When an address locator is created, default parameters of the geocoding properties and options are saved in the locator. The geocoding properties and options control how the locator finds and filters the list of candidates, how it places the locations of matched addresses, what information is contained in the geocoding output, and how to optimize geocoding performance. The following list shows what properties and options you can view or change:

Accessing the address locators

To modify the address locator's settings, you must have write permission to the computer where you create and store the address locator. If the address locator is stored in an ArcSDE geodatabase, the database administrator must grant you privileges on the address locator.

Learn more about accessing an ArcSDE address locator

If you publish the address locator as a geocode service in ArcGIS for Server and later modify the settings of the address locator, the geocode service must be restarted for the new settings to be incorporated into the service.

Modifying an address locator's settings

When an address locator is created, geocoding properties and options are saved in the locator. On the Address Locator Properties dialog box, you can modify the description of the locator, geocoding options that control the searching and matching of addresses, and other parameters for optimizing performance. See Modifying an address locator's settings to learn how to modify the settings of a locator.

Modifying a composite address locator's settings

When a composite address locator is created, references to participating address locators, geocoding properties, and options are saved in the composite locator. On the Composite Address Locator Properties dialog box, you can add or remove participating address locators and modify the geocoding options. See Modifying a composite address locator's settings to learn how to modify the settings of a composite locator.

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