How Resolve Road Conflicts works

The Resolve Road Conflicts tool adjusts symbolized road features so that they do not graphically overlap. Graphic overlaps typically occur when road data is displayed at a scale smaller than the one at which it was created. When an appropriate line symbol is applied, adjacent roads may conflict with one another.

How Resolve Road Conflicts works

The input features are assessed for their proximity and parallelism to one another as they are symbolized at the reference scale. They are ranked and categorized based on the value in the Hierarchy Field. Features (or portions of features) are displaced slightly to resolve graphic overlaps and clarify the display. The transition is handled smoothly when only a portion of a feature is moved. The displacement that took place can be optionally stored in a polygon output feature class. Use this feature class as an input to the Propagate Displacement tool to ensure that spatial relationships to other features are maintained.

The tool displaces features based on their spatial relationships and relative hierarchy:

Data preparation considerations

The Resolve Road Conflicts tool adjusts line features to ensure that they are graphically distinguishable when symbolized at the output scale. More than one layer can be assessed and processed at a time. It is very important that the geometry of the input features is correctly established for the tool to maintain the relationship of the features as they coexist in a transportation network. Take note of the following input data requirements and suggestions:

Workflow considerations

This tool is generally most effective when used in conjunction with other generalization and graphic conflict resolution tools. Here are some tips to help you use these tools together with other layers and other tools in a workflow:

Partitioning large datasets

This tool acts contextually such that adjacent and connecting features are considered when determining the final state of each individual feature. Multiple datasets can be input at once, which means they are all considered simultaneously. Using a large amount of input data (or many separate input layers) can exceed memory limitations. To avoid this limitation, consider enabling partitioning when running this tool by specifying a partition feature class in the Cartographic Partitions geoprocessing environment variable. Partitioning allows the tool to sequentially process the data in logical and manageable chunks. The input features delineated by each partition polygon is loaded into the tool, along with additional data from a buffer zone surrounding the partition. The additional data is considered as processing proceeds. This ensures that the resulting feature classes are seamless and the states of features spanning across partition boundaries are consistent.

When road conflicts are resolved with partitioning, the features that lie in the buffer beyond the border of each partition will also be modified. At the partition boundary, they will match the displacement that was made within the partition. Traveling away from the partition edge, the amount of displacement will diminish, resulting in a smooth transition. This is done so that the connectivity of the road network stays intact when each partition is processed. When the adjacent partition is processed, the diminishing displacement is detected as a conflict and resolved as normal. The result is that road displacements are consistent across partition boundaries.

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