Installing and configuring SQL Server Express (Maritime Charting)
The production databases need to reside in SQL Server Express for the processes of the ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting to function.
To use ArcSDE with ArcGIS for Desktop, you need to install an instance of SQL Server Express, then enable it to store ArcSDE geodatabases.

If you are not an administrator of the machine, your login needs to be added to the SQL Server Express administrator role. Once you enable SQL Server Express to store geodatabases, open ArcCatalog, connect to the local database server, right-click on the server, then click Permissions to verify that you are listed with administrator privileges.
Follow these steps to install SQL Server Express on your computer using the executable provided with the ArcGIS for Server Workgroup, ArcGIS for Desktop, or ArcGIS Engine installations.
- Log in to the computer as a user with administrative privileges.
- Make sure you have Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5, .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack (SP) 1, and Windows Powershell 2.0 on the computer. If you do not, you must obtain and install them from the Microsoft site before you can install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. Some of these applications require you to restart your computer after installing them.
- Close all applications on your computer.
Access the installation media.
- If you downloaded the installation file from the Esri Customer Care portal, unzip the file and run the ESRI.exe.
- If you have an ISO file, use an ISO extractor to access the installation files and run the ESRI.exe.
- If you have an ArcGIS for Server Workgroup, ArcGIS for Desktop, or ArcGIS Engine DVD insert it to the appropriate drive and run the ESRI.exe.
The Installation Options dialog box opens.
- Click Setup next to ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server Express to start the installation wizard.
- Leave the Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition option checked on the Installation Options dialog box and click Next.
- On the Installation Type dialog box, be sure Installation Type is selected on the left pane of the SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup wizard, choose the New installation or add shared features option, and click Next.
- Read then accept the Microsoft license agreement.
If you do not accept, the installation terminates. - On the Feature Selection dialog box, be sure Database Engine Services and Full-Text Search are selected. The Feature Selection dialog box should have at least the components selected as shown here:
- On the Instance Configuration dialog box, click the Named instance option.
- The default name is SQLExpress. Keep the default name.
- Also, on the Instance Configuration dialog box, you can accept the default location to create the instance or browse to a different location. Click Next to continue.
- On the Server Configuration dialog box, you must specify accounts to run the Database Engine, Full-Text Search, and Browser services. Default accounts are already set for you, but you can specify different accounts. See the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Books online for information on accounts to use for running services. This topic should help you get started:
Be sure the Database Engine and Browser services are set to start automatically.
- The SQL Server Express instance uses the default collation of the computer on which it is installed. If you need to choose a different collation, click the Collation tab and change the Database Engine language before proceeding. Be sure to use a case-insensitive collation, as case-sensitive collations are not supported with ArcGIS. Click Next to go to the next dialog box.
- On the Database Engine Configuration dialog box, be sure the Windows authentication mode is selected. This is the only authentication mode supported for use with the geodatabase accessed through the Database Servers node in ArcCatalog.
- Add an administrative user for the SQL Server Express instance.
You cannot proceed with the installation if you do not add an administrative user.
- Click the Data Directories tab and specify the locations for your SQL Server Express files, or accept the defaults and click Next.
- On the Reporting Services Configuration dialog box, you can accept the default value. Click Next to proceed.
- On the Error Reporting dialog box, you can optionally choose to send information to Microsoft. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
- When your installation is complete. click Close to exit the Microsoft SQL Server installation wizard.
The Microsoft SQL Server installation wizard is the same for all editions of SQL Server. Use the installation wizard to install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express.