Nodo TIN (3D Analyst)


Exporta los nodos de un dataset de red irregular de triángulos (TIN) a una clase de entidad de puntos.


TIN Node illustration



TinNode_3d (in_tin, out_feature_class, {spot_field}, {tag_field})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

El TIN de entrada.

TIN Layer

La clase de entidad de salida.

Feature Class

El nombre del campo del atributo de elevación de la clase de entidad de salida. Si se proporciona un nombre, la clase de entidad será 2D; en caso contrario, será 3D. No se proporciona ningún nombre de manera predeterminada, lo que resulta en la creación de entidades de punto 3D.


El nombre del campo que almacena el atributo de etiqueta en la clase de entidad de salida. Por defecto, no se crea un campo de valor de etiqueta.


Ejemplo de código

Ejemplo 1 de TinNode (ventana de Python)

El siguiente ejemplo muestra cómo usar de esta herramienta en la ventana Python:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

env.workspace = 'C:/data'
arcpy.TinNode_3d('tin', 'elevation_node.shp', '', 'Tag_Value')
Ejemplo 2 de TinNode (secuencia de comandos independiente)

El siguiente ejemplo muestra cómo usar esta herramienta en una secuencia de comandos independiente de Python:

Name: Create Terrain from TIN
Description: This script demonstrates how to create a terrain dataset using
             features extracted from a TIN. It is particularly useful in 
             situations where the source data used in the TIN is not available,
             and the amount of data stored in the TIN proves to be too large 
             for the TIN. The terrain's scalability will allow improved
             display performance and faster analysis. The script is designed 
             to work as a script tool with 5 input arguments.
# Import system modules
import arcpy
import exceptions, sys, traceback
from arcpy import env

# Set local variables
tin = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # TIN used to create terrain
gdbLocation = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # Folder that will store terran GDB
gdbName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # Name of terrain GDB
fdName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) # Name of feature dataset
terrainName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) # Name of terrain

    # Create the file gdb that will store the feature dataset, gdbName)
    gdb = '{0}/{1}'.format(gdbLocation, gdbName)
    # Obtain spatial reference from TIN
    SR = arcpy.Describe(tin).spatialReference
    # Create the feature dataset that will store the terrain, fdName, SR)
    fd = '{0}/{1}'.format(gdb, fdName)
    # Export TIN elements to feature classes for terrain
    arcpy.AddMessage("Exporting TIN footprint to define terrain boundary...")
    boundary = "{0}/boundary".format(fd)
    # Execute TinDomain
    arcpy.ddd.TinDomain(tin, tinDomain, 'POLYGON')
    arcpy.AddMessage("Exporting TIN breaklines...")
    breaklines = "{0}/breaklines".format(fd)
    # Execute TinLine
    arcpy.ddd.TinLine(tin, breaklines, "Code")
    arcpy.AddMessage("Exporting TIN nodes...")
    masspoints = "{0}/masspoints".format(fd)
    # Execute TinNode
    arcpy.ddd.TinNode(sourceTIN, TIN_nodes)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Creating terrain dataset...")
    terrain = "terrain_from_tin"
    # Execute CreateTerrain
    arcpy.ddd.CreateTerrain(fd, terrainName, 10, 50000, "", 
                            "WINDOWSIZE", "ZMEAN", "NONE", 1)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Adding terrain pyramid levels...")
    terrain = "{0}/{1}".format(fd, terrainName)
    pyramids = ["20 5000", "25 10000", "35 25000", "50 50000"]
    # Execute AddTerrainPyramidLevel
    arcpy.ddd.AddTerrainPyramidLevel(terrain, "", pyramids)
    arcpy.AddMessage("Adding features to terrain...")
    inFeatures = "{0} Shape softclip 1 0 10 true false boundary_embed <None> "\
             "false; {1} Shape masspoints 1 0 50 true false points_embed "\
             "<None> false; {2} Shape softline 1 0 25 false false lines_embed "\
             "<None> false".format(boundary, masspoints, breaklines)
    # Execute AddFeatureClassToTerrain
    arcpy.ddd.AddFeatureClassToTerrain(terrain, inFeatures) 
    arcpy.AddMessage("Building terrain...")
    # Execute BuildTerrain
    arcpy.ddd.BuildTerrain(terrain, "NO_UPDATE_EXTENT")

except arcpy.ExecuteError:
    print arcpy.GetMessages()
    # Get the traceback object
    tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
    tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
    # Concatenate error information into message string
    pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n{0}\nError Info:\n{1}"\
          .format(tbinfo, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
    msgs = "ArcPy ERRORS:\n {0}\n".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2))
    # Return python error messages for script tool or Python Window


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