ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Layer Object Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method DeleteDeletes the specified feature.
Public Method EditDisplays the Edit Form or Feature Properties dialog box for the specified feature.
Public Method EscapeSends from one to three arguments to a layer extension.
Public Method EvaluateEvaluates the specified expression in the layer's scripting space and returns the result.
Public Method ExecuteExecutes the specified script in the layer's scripting space.
Public Method ExportExports any point layer to a point shapefile
Public Method HighlightHighlights the specified feature using the highlight color specified in ArcPad Options.
Public Method HyperlinkActivates the hyperlink for the specified feature.
Public Method IdentifyDisplays the Identify Form or Feature Properties dialog box for the specified feature.
Public Method LogAppends to database.axf.log.

Public Properties

Public Property CanEditReturns True if the layer can be made editable; False otherwise.
Public Property CanIdentifyReturns True if the layer can be made identfiable; False otherwise.
Public Property CommentsReturns or sets the simple metadata for the layer.
Public Property DataSourceReturns a reference to the layer's Datasource object.
Public Property EditableReturns or sets a value that determines whether the layer is editable.
Public Property ExPropertiesGets or sets a property from the layer extension.
Public Property ExtentReturns the extent of the layer.
Public Property FilePathReturns the complete path to the layer file.
Public Property FilterReturns or sets the filter, or definition query, for the AXF layer.
Public Property FormsReturns a reference to the layer's forms.
Public Property HyperlinkFieldReturns or sets the hyperlink field for the layer.
Public Property HyperlinkPathReturns or sets the default hyperlink path for the layer.
Public Property IdentifiableReturns or sets a value that determines whether the layer is identifiable.
Public Property LayerFormatReturns the data format of the layer.
Public Property LayerTypeReturns a value that indicates whether the layer contains raster data or vector data.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the layer.
Public Property PropertiesReturns or sets the specified property for the layer.
Public Property RecordsReturns a reference to the layer's RecordSet.
Public Property SnappingModeReturns or sets the snapping mode of the shapefile layer.
Public Property SnappingToleranceReturns or sets the snapping tolerance for the layer in meters.
Public Property VisibleReturns or sets a value that determines whether the layer is visible.


Public Event OnAfterLayerDrawOccurs after the layer is re-drawn or refreshed.
Public Event OnBeforeLayerDrawOccurs when the layer is about to be re-drawn or refreshed.
Public Event OnCloseOccurs when the layer is removed from the current map or the map is closed.
Public Event OnDefaultValueOccurs when a new feature in a feature class is being created.
Public Event OnFeatureAddedOccurs after a new feature is added to the layer.
Public Event OnFeatureChangedOccurs after an existing feature in the layer has been edited.
Public Event OnFeatureDeletedOccurs after an existing feature has been deleted from the layer.
Public Event OnFeatureGeometryChangedOccurs after the geometry of an existing feature in the layer has been edited.
Public Event OnIdentifyOccurs when a shapefile feature is identified via the Identify tool.
Public Event OnOpenOccurs when the layer is added to the current map.

See Also

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