Delete | Deletes the specified feature. |
Edit | Displays the Edit Form or Feature Properties dialog box for the specified feature. |
Escape | Sends from one to three arguments to a layer extension. |
Evaluate | Evaluates the specified expression in the layer's scripting space and returns the result. |
Execute | Executes the specified script in the layer's scripting space. |
Export | Exports any point layer to a point shapefile |
Highlight | Highlights the specified feature using the highlight color specified in ArcPad Options. |
Hyperlink | Activates the hyperlink for the specified feature. |
Identify | Displays the Identify Form or Feature Properties dialog box for the specified feature. |
Log | Appends to database.axf.log. |
CanEdit | Returns True if the layer can be made editable; False otherwise. |
CanIdentify | Returns True if the layer can be made identfiable; False otherwise. |
Comments | Returns or sets the simple metadata for the layer. |
DataSource | Returns a reference to the layer's Datasource object. |
Editable | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the layer is editable. |
ExProperties | Gets or sets a property from the layer extension. |
Extent | Returns the extent of the layer. |
FilePath | Returns the complete path to the layer file. |
Filter | Returns or sets the filter, or definition query, for the AXF layer. |
Forms | Returns a reference to the layer's forms. |
HyperlinkField | Returns or sets the hyperlink field for the layer. |
HyperlinkPath | Returns or sets the default hyperlink path for the layer. |
Identifiable | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the layer is identifiable. |
LayerFormat | Returns the data format of the layer. |
LayerType | Returns a value that indicates whether the layer contains raster data or vector data. |
Name | Returns the name of the layer. |
Properties | Returns or sets the specified property for the layer. |
Records | Returns a reference to the layer's RecordSet. |
SnappingMode | Returns or sets the snapping mode of the shapefile layer. |
SnappingTolerance | Returns or sets the snapping tolerance for the layer in meters. |
Visible | Returns or sets a value that determines whether the layer is visible. |
OnAfterLayerDraw | Occurs after the layer is re-drawn or refreshed. |
OnBeforeLayerDraw | Occurs when the layer is about to be re-drawn or refreshed. |
OnClose | Occurs when the layer is removed from the current map or the map is closed. |
OnDefaultValue | Occurs when a new feature in a feature class is being created. |
OnFeatureAdded | Occurs after a new feature is added to the layer. |
OnFeatureChanged | Occurs after an existing feature in the layer has been edited. |
OnFeatureDeleted | Occurs after an existing feature has been deleted from the layer. |
OnFeatureGeometryChanged | Occurs after the geometry of an existing feature in the layer has been edited. |
OnIdentify | Occurs when a shapefile feature is identified via the Identify tool. |
OnOpen | Occurs when the layer is added to the current map. |