Returns the record closest to the specified location.
object.FindNearestXY( X, Y [,Tolerance] [,Envelope] ) |
- x
- Required. A Double that specifies the X coordinate of the search location, in the current coordinate system of the map.
- y
- Required. A Double that specifies the Y coordinate of the search location, in the current coordinate system of the map.
- Tolerance
- Optional. A Double that specifies the search tolerance in the current map units.
- Envelope
- Optional. A Rectangle that specifies the extent to search within.
Envelope is a rectangle specifying the extent to search within. If not specified, the entire map is searched. [Optional].
Tolerance is a double specifying the search tolerance. If not specified, the tolerance is the Pen Tolerance defined in the Display page of the ArcPad Options dialog box. [Optional].
A return value of 0 indicates that no record was found.