AddNew | Creates a new record and adds it to the RecordSet. |
BuildSpatialIndex | Builds a spatial index for the recordset. |
CancelUpdate | Cancels any pending updates to the RecordSet. |
Close | Closes the recordset. |
Create | Creates a new shapefile or DBF file. |
Delete | Deletes the current record. |
DeleteSpatialIndex | Deletes the spatial index for the recordset. |
Export | Saves a shapefile DBF to CSV UNICODE. |
Find | Returns the next record that meets the specified criterea. |
FindNearestXY | Returns the record closest to the specified location. |
Move | Moves the current record position forward or backward a specified number of records |
MoveFirst | Moves the current record position to the first record in the RecordSet. |
MoveLast | Moves the current record position to the last record in the RecordSet. |
MoveNext | Moves the current record position one record forward (toward the bottom of the RecordSet). |
MovePrevious | Moves the current record position one record back (toward the top of the RecordSet). |
Open | Opens a shapefile or DBF file without adding the layer to the map. |
Pack | Removes records flagged for deletion from the RecordSet. |
Supports | Determines if the RecordSet supports a particular type of functionality. |
ToArray | Returns the RecordSet contents as a two dimensional array. |
Update | Saves any changes to the current record. |
BOF | Returns True if the current record position is before the first record; False otherwise. |
Bookmark | Sets or returns a bookmark that uniquely identifies the current record. |
CodePage | Sets or returns the codepage of the RecordSet. |
CoordinateSystem | Returns a reference to the recordset's coordinate system. |
EOF | Returns True if the current record position is after the last record; False otherwise. |
Fields | Returns the current record's fields. |
HasSpatialIndex | Returns True if the shapefile represented by the RecordSet has a spatial index; False otherwise. |
IsDeleted | Returns True if the current record has been deleted; False, otherwise. |
Properties | Returns or sets Recordset properties. |
RecordCount | Returns the number of records in the RecordSet. |