ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Supports Method
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Required. A Long that specifies what functionality should be tested for.
Recordset Collection : Supports Method

Glossary Item Box


Determines if the RecordSet supports a particular type of functionality.


object.Supports ( CursorOptions )


Required. A Long that specifies what functionality should be tested for.

Return Type



CursorOptions is a long specifying the type of functionality that should be tested for. Multiple CursorOptions can be combined using the OR operator. The following CursorOptions values are supported:

Value Description
0x1000400 Supports the AddNew method to add new records.
0x2000 Supports the Bookmark property to gain access to specific records.
0x1000800 Supports the Delete method to delete records.
0x200 Supports the MoveFirst and MovePrevious methods to move the current record position backward without requiring bookmarks.
0x1008000 Supports the Update method to modify existing data

See Also

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