What is a map service?
Common reasons for using map services
Publishing a map service
Setting map service properties
Previewing your map
Publishing a map service with Python
Clients for map services
About dynamic layers
Enabling dynamic layers on a map service in ArcGIS for Desktop
Enabling dynamic layers on a map service in Manager
Map service planning
Map authoring considerations
Designing a map to overlay ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, or Bing Maps
Supported functionality in map services
Drawing behaviors of the map service
Serving time-aware layers
Line aliasing in map services
Path size limitation for publishing
00001: Data frame does not have layers
00002: Data frame does not have a spatial reference
00003: Layer's data source is inaccessible
00004: Layer's data source is not supported
00005: Layer type is not supported
00006: Layer's symbology is not supported
00007: Layer's definition query is invalid
00011: Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display extent
00012: The combination of spatial reference and the units used in the layer's proportional symbology is not supported
00013: Layer uses a symbol that is not supported
00014: Annotation layer does not draw in table of contents order
00015: Annotation layer is being drawn with the densify annotation baseline option enabled
00016: The option to not rotate marker symbols with the data frame is not supported
00017: Data frame has at least one annotation group that is enabled and contains graphics
00018: Data frame uses a background symbol that is not a solid fill
00019: Layer contains a symbol type that does not match the referenced data source's geometry type
00020: Annotation layer uses a symbol that is not supported
00021: Feature selections are not supported
00022: Data frame uses unsupported 8.x style symbol level drawing
00023: Layer uses unsupported dynamic hillshade illumination
00024: Route hatch symbology is not supported
00025: Selection layers are not supported
00026: Data frames with a clip shape are not supported
00028: Annotation layer's feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection that is not supported
00030: Layer participates in layer masking
00031: Layer contains representation rule <value> which uses custom geometric effect or marker placement
00032: Standalone table's data source is inaccessible
00033: Standalone table's data source is not supported
00035: Layer contains representation rule <value> with geometric logic error
00036: Layer uses a page definition query
00037: Basemap layers cannot be published directly to a map service
00038: Layer's workspace is currently being edited
00039: Accelerated raster layers cannot be published directly to a map service
00040: Accelerated raster service layers cannot be published directly to a map service
00041: Layer's cache properties do not allow local caching
00042: Raster catalog displays with Display as wireframe when <n> rasters are within the display extent option
00043: Unique value layer symbology contains values with the field delimiter
00044: The layer type or data source is not supported for schema only packages
00045: A layer description is required for packaging
00047: Layer's dataset is using an unknown coordinate system
00048: Layer's renderer uses unsupported option "Dot Size" to maintain density
00049: Basemap Layer supports only fixed placement of dots in the dot density fill symbol
00050: Layer is being published with custom class extension
00052: Standalone table is being published with custom class extension
00053: Layer is being published with custom feature
00055: Globe server layers cannot be republished
00056: Data frame contains multiple layers with the same name
00057: Layer name contains invalid characters
00058: Multiple layers reference a single feature class
00059: Layer’s data source is not registered with the geodatabase
00061: Standalone table’s data source is not registered with the geodatabase
00062: Data frame contains data that does not use the same connection to an enterprise geodatabase
00063: <value> data source is a personal geodatabase
00064: Layer has a join
00065: Layer has a definition expression
00066: Query layer has multiple unique identifier fields
00075: Query layer has a complex query
00078: Data source connection is using operating system authentication
00079: Cache spatial reference does not match map/dataset/layer spatial reference
00083: Layer has an invalid storage type
00084: Layer has an invalid data source (SDS)
00085: Layer uses an unsupported renderer
00088: Schematic layers don't support copying data to the server
00090: <value> requires a registered database
00091: Schema package has multiple workspaces
00093: Map document description is required for packaging
00094: Participating locator cannot be loaded or is missing
00095: Locator contains a custom plugin
00096: Locator is invalid
00097: Missing Summary in Item Description
00098: Missing Tags in Item Description
00099: Layer has a join with an unsupported data source
00100: Standalone table has a join with an unsupported data source
00101: OGC service's Name property is empty
00102: Data frame does not contain a required layer type for <value> capability
00103: Video layers cannot be published to a globe service
00105: The layer type or data source is not supported for packages
00109: Editing is not allowed as the layer's data is registered with the geodatabase
00110: Editing is not allowed as the table's data is registered with the geodatabase
00111: Layer is using an invalid direct connection (SDS)
00112: Standalone table is using an invalid direct connection (SDS)
00115: Layer name is empty
00116: Standalone table has a definition expression
00118: Query table has multiple unique identifier fields
00119: Standalone table has a join
00120: Query table has a complex query
00121: Layer's data source has no mapping
00122: Standalone table's data source has no mapping
00123: Shape field is not visible
00124: Tracking layer uses unsupported tracking symbology
00125: Tracking layer uses unsupported layer actions
00127: <value> uses VBScript and you are publishing to ArcGIS for Server (Linux)
00128: Layer's data source uses a direct connection to a SQL server and you are publishing to ArcGIS for Server (Linux)
00129: <value> Editor Tracking dates in database time zone
00130: Data frame name is empty or contains invalid characters
00131: Data source has no spatial reference (SDS)
00133: Geodatabase is not registered with the server
00134: Layer's data source is not supported
00135: Standalone table's data source is not supported
00136: Query layer has a non-integer unique identifier field
00137: Query table has a non-integer unique identifier field
00138: Standalone table has an invalid data source (SDS)
00139: Standalone table's data source is a personal geodatabase
00140: Layer's database connection user name does not match any SDS data source user name
00141: Referencing data with relative paths is not supported
00142: Layer's data source cannot be referenced in the ArcGIS Runtime
00145: Dynamic workspace is not registered with the server
00146: The <value> extension needed for layer <value> is not <value>
00147: The <value> extension is not <value> on the ArcGIS Server
00149: The tile cache size that will be generated exceeds the available disk space on the server
00154: Layer's data frame is using an unknown coordinate system
00155: No transformation exists from the data frame's datum to WGS 1984 Major Auxiliary Sphere
00156: Locator with place-name alias table is not supported
00157: The published layer's data source will be PostgreSQL and the layer uses field names that are not lower case used in <value>
00158: Layer is z or m aware and the storage type is Oracle Spatial
00160: Edit capability is enabled on the image service but dynamic image workspaces are not defined.
00161: Versioned feature layer does not have a versioned view
00162: Versioned standalone table does not have a versioned view
00163: Enabled Feature Access capabilities <value> do not match feature layer user privileges <value>
00164: Enabled Feature Access capabilities <value> do not match standalone table user privileges <value>
00165: Data in the map is referencing a version other than DEFAULT
00166: Layer's ObjectID is not maintained by the database and the feature service is being published with Create capability enabled
00167: Standalone table's ObjectID is not maintained by the database and the feature service is being published with Create capability enabled
00168: Geometric networks cannot be copied with a basic license
00169: Standalone table name is empty
00170: Maximum Size of Requests of the mosaic dataset must be greater than 4096 X 4096
00171: The estimated amount of credits exceeds the amount available for the organization by <value>
00172: There are no credits available for the organization to publish this service
00174: Expression uses VBScript, this is not supported in the ArcGIS Runtime
00175: <value> exceeds operating system limit
00176: <value> path exceeds operating system limit
00177: Path exceeds operating system limit
00179: Layer's data source must be registered with the server
00180: Standalone table's data source must be registered with the server
00181: Locator must be registered with the server
10001: Layer's data source has a different projection <value> than the data frame's projection
10002: Layer's data source doesn't have a spatial index
10003: Layer doesn't have an attribute index on fields used for a join
10005: <value> data source is a personal geodatabase
10006: Layer's definition query uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table
10007: Label class value has an SQL query that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table
10008: Label class value has a label expression that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table
10009: Enabling the option to convert layer transparency to color transparency may improve performance
10010: Raster data source does not have statistics
10011: Layer's data source uses wavelet compression
10012: Layer uses dynamic panchromatic sharpening
10013: Layer uses dynamic orthorectification
10014: Layer's draw time may be affected by slow join access times
10017: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a picture marker symbol
10018: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a character marker symbol
10019: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a non-simple fill symbol
10020: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a marker symbol with a halo
10026: Layer uses symbol level drawing with field-based transparency
10027: Layer's data source is referenced via a UNC path
10028: Annotation layer's feature class does not have a symbol stored in a symbol collection
10029: Raster data source does not have pyramids
10030: Layer's data source is ArcSDE not accessed via a direct connection
10031: Raster catalog layer uses color correction
10032: Layer's data source consists of nested joins
10033: Layer uses symbol level drawing with layer transparency
10035: Layer's definition query references field names that are not indexed
10036: Label class value has an SQL query that references field names that are not indexed
10037: Label class value has an SQL query that is not optimizable
10038: Data Frame uses the Maplex Label Engine
10040: Layer uses representations
10041: Layer uses symbol level drawing with layer masking
10042: Layer uses symbol level drawing with feature masking
10043: Layer's data source is an XY Event Table
10044: Layer's data source is a linear referencing event table
10045: Map is being published with data copied to the server using data frame full extent
10046: Texture downscaling has not been set for the multipatch layer
10047: The layer does not have distance visibility ranges set
10049: Changes to the background display settings for the ArcGlobe document will not be honored
10064: Compact cache storage format recommended for storing cache tiles
10066: Map is not time enabled and all the data in time enabled layers will draw by default
10067: Layer's data source is NetCDF
10068: Standalone table's data source is NetCDF
10069: Tracking layer referring to data on disk may cause poor performance
10070: Tracking layer referencing large dataset may cause poor performance
10071: Purge rule for real-time tracking layer may cause poor performance
20001: Layer uses a picture symbol with a reference scale
20002: Layer uses an EMF picture symbol with image separation
20003: Layer uses a simple marker symbol with a halo
20004: Layer uses a simple line symbol with a style other than solid
20005: Annotation feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection with the Rotate With Transform option disabled
20007: Layer contains a multilayer line symbol whose symbol widths may result in aliasing
20008: Layer uses a text symbol which draws with faux bold or italic styles
20009: Layer uses the size renderer with an arrow marker symbol
20010: Data frame uses unsupported background symbol
20011: Layer's data source references a dynamic map service
20012: Layer supports time data
20013: The layer type or data source is not supported in 9.3.1 packages
20014: Topology errors will not be included in the package
20015: Layer's data source will be converted to a file geodatabase
20017: Layer does not support intersecting the data frame
20018: Basemap layers will be converted to group layers in 9.3.1 packages
20019: Layer is being published with custom class extension
20020: Dataset is being published with custom class extension
20021: Standalone table is being published with custom class extension
20022: Layer is being published with custom feature
20023: Dataset is being published with custom feature
20024: Layer uses a simple fill symbol that is a non-solid fill
20025: Layer uses fonts which are not embeddable and are not on the server
20026: Layer is an ECW format raster
20027: Layer uses advanced renderer settings
20028: Data source has no spatial reference
20029: Layer's symbology is not supported (KML)
20030: Layer is z-aware (SDS)
20031: Layer is m-aware (SDS)
20032: Layer is using unsupported label settings (KML)
20033: Data format requires additional ArcGIS Runtime deployment option
20034: Your service will use the WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) coordinate system
20035: Utility network flow direction symbol will not be drawn
20036: Annotation layer may use inline fonts that are not installed on the server
24004: MIXED tile format recommended to cache a map with raster layers
24011: Data source is not registered with the server and data will be copied to the server
24012: Standalone table's data source is not registered with the server and data will be copied to the server
24016: Mosaic dataset contains error(s) found during item-level analysis
24020: Locator spatial reference is set as Unknown
24022: Mosaic dataset items have not been analyzed
24024: Map contains multiple data frames
24026: Layer type is not supported (SDS)
24027: Data frame uses a custom coordinate system
24028: Service properties contain reserved characters
24029: Layer's data source does not contain a Global ID field
24030: Layer's attachment table does not contain a Global ID field
24031: Service actions for real-time tracking layer will not be used
24033: Layer's data source is m-aware
24034: Layer's data source is z-aware and no default z-value is defined
24035: <value> type is not supported for Feature Service
24036: Data source password will be transmitted in clear text (unencrypted)
24037: Data source password will be transmitted in clear text (unencrypted)
24038: Layer’s data source is required to be versioned for editing
24040: Layer has an in-memory join or relate
24041: Layer does not have a feature template set
24042: Layer's feature template uses unsupported construction tool
24043: Related layers or tables are not present in the data frame
24044: Locator will be copied to the server
24047: Annotation expression uses VBScript and you are publishing to ArcGIS Server (Linux)
24048: Shape field is not visible
24049: Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display extent
24050: The tile cache size that will be generated is likely to exceed the available disk space on the server
24053: Locators in personal geodatabase will be copied to the server
24054: Place-name alias table in locator will be reset to None
24055: On demand caching is enabled. The defined caching scales are out of mosaic dataset visible range. Blank tiles will be generated at those scales.
24057: PNG8 is not a recommended tile format for caching a multi-band image service.
24058: Missing Summary in Item Description
24059: Missing Tags in Item Description
24060: Layer references panchromatic image that will not be copied to server and pan sharpening will not occur on server
24061: Layer references DEM image that will not be copied to server and orthorectification will not occur on server
24062: A higher value of Maximum Number of Rasters per Mosaic is recommended
24064: The estimated amount of credits is equivalent to <value>% of available credits for the organization
24065: Data frame is using full map extent
24067: Annotation expression uses VBScript, this is not supported in the ArcGIS Runtime
24068: The service's estimated cache size of <value> may result in a significant amount of tile generation time as well as storage
30001: Annotation layer's feature class does not have an index on the AnnotationClassID field
30002: Annotation layer's feature class does not have an index on the Status field
30003: Layer draws at all scale ranges
30004: Layer uses a gradient fill
30005: Group layer is empty
30006: Layer's data source references a web service
30007: Vertical lines not supported in a 9.3.1 file geodatabase
30008: Map is time enabled and the default view of the service will display data for time enabled layers that fall within the specified time extent
30009: Composite locator will be copied to the server