What are geometric networks?
A quick tour of geometric networks
Essential geometric networks vocabulary
Geometric networks and logical networks
Network build errors table
Network build errors table schema
About creating geometric networks
Building a geometric network from existing simple feature classes
Building a geometric network using a geoprocessing tool
About creating new feature classes for your geometric network
Creating a new network edge feature class in the Catalog tree
Creating a new network junction feature class in the Catalog tree
Loading new features into your geometric network
About geometric network connectivity rules
Adding an edge–edge rule
Adding an edge–edge rule using a geoprocessing tool
Adding an edge–junction rule
Adding an edge–edge rule using a geoprocessing tool
Adding a new weight to your geometric network
About Verify Network tools and commands
Identifying geometric network build errors
Performance considerations
Managing a geometric network
Overview of editing geometric network features
Connecting network features
Disconnecting network features
About editing geometric network features
Creating a new network edge at an existing junction
Creating a new network edge along a complex edge
Creating a new network edge along a simple edge
Subsuming network junctions
Moving existing network features
Altering a junction's ancillary network role in ArcMap
Enabling and disabling network features in ArcMap
Validating network features in ArcMap
About repairing network connectivity
Rebuilding connectivity
Repairing connectivity
Repairing features with an empty geometry or zero length
Repairing features with an identical start–stop vertex
Rebuilding features with multipart geometry
Correcting standalone junctions
Repairing edge features whose length is near the snapping tolerance
About opening geometric networks
Opening a geometric network feature class
Opening a feature dataset containing a geometric network
About symbolizing geometric network features
Displaying enabled and disabled features in a layer
Displaying source and sink features in a layer
Adding geometric network features
Enabling and disabling features
Using the Utility Network Analyst toolbar
Flow direction in a geometric network
Displaying flow direction
About setting flow direction
Creating sources and sinks
Setting the flow direction
Setting the flow direction using a geoprocessing tool
About tracing on geometric networks
Adding flags and barriers
Tracing upstream
Tracing downstream
Finding the upstream accumulation
Finding an upstream path to the source
Finding common ancestors
Finding connected features
Finding disconnected features
Isolating a point on the network
Finding connected features using weight filters
Finding a path
Finding the shortest path
Finding an upstream path
Finding loops
Trace Geometric Network using a geoprocessing tool
Using bitgate weights in your geometric network
Geometric networks and versioned geodatabases
Rules for reconciling with geometric networks
Rules for conflict management with geometric networks
Guidelines for minimizing conflicts with geometric networks