Preferences Schema
Preferences Schema
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Glossary Item Box


ALERTUsed to specify GPS alert settings for the various alerts in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
ALERTSUsed to define GPS alert settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
ArcPadThe root element for all ArcPad XML statements.
AUXThe parent element for AUX port settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx. Used to specify script subroutines to call when AUX events occur.The parent element for AUX port settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx. Used to specify script subroutines to call when AUX events occur.
AVERAGINGUsed to specify the averaging settings for the GPS capture settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
CAMERAUsed to specify camera settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
COMPORTUsed to define serial port settings for the AUX or GPS port in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
DAGEUsed to define the maximum DAGE for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
DIALOGUsed to specify the dialog box font for ArcPad in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
DISPLAYUsed to define display settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
DRAWINGuse to specifiy map drawing preferences.
EDITINGUsed to define editing preferences in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
EPEUsed to define the maximum EPE for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
FONTSUsed to specify default fonts for ArcPad in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
GPSUsed to specify GPS preferences and script subroutines to call when GPS events occur.
GREEKINGUsed to specify the greeking thresholds for features in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
HDOPUsed to define the maximum HDOP for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
HEIGHTUsed to specify height settings for the GPS in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
IMSUsed to specify the ArcIMS settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
LABELUsed to specify the label font for ArcPad in ArcPadPrefs.apx and to define a Label control in a form.Used to specify the label font for ArcPad in ArcPadPrefs.apx and to define a Label control in a form.
LAYERSUsed to specify the autopack settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
LOCALEWhen parent element is PREFERENCES, LOCALE is used to specify the user's locale ID in ArcPadPrefs.apx .
LOCATIONUsed to specify the DST distance alert in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
MAPGRIDUsed to specify map grid settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
MAPNAVIGATORUsed to specify Map Navigator settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
MODEUsed to specify the 3D only and DGPS only settings for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
MULTIPOINTSpecifies the multipoint greeking thresholds.
PATHSUsed to specify the default paths in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
PDOPUsed to define the maximum PDOP for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
POINTSpecifies the point greeking thresholds.
POLYGONSpecifies the polygon greeking thresholds.
POLYLINESpecifies the polyline greeking thresholds.
PREFERENCESUsed in ArcPadPrefs.apx to define default preferences.
QUALITYCONTROLUsed to define GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
RANGEFINDERUsed to specify Rangefinder preferences and script subroutines to call when Rangefinder events occur.
SCRIPTUsed in customization files (ArcPad.apx, *.apa, *.apl) to define scripts or specify an associated script file.
SCRIPTINGUsed to specify the default scripting environment in ArcPad.
SERVERUsed to specify the Server settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
SIMPLELINESYMBOLUsed to symbolize line features.
STARTUPUsed to specify start up settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.Used to specify start up settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx
STATUSBARUsed to define display properties for the status bar.
STREAMINGUsed to specify the streaming interval settings for the GPS capture settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
SYSTEMTRAYUsed to specify system tray settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.Used to specify system tray settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
TABBARUsed to specify toolbar selector settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
TDOPUsed to define the maximum TDOP for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
TEXTSYMBOLSymbol used to label point, line, and polygon layers.
TRACKLOGUsed to specify the GPS tracklog settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
VDOPUsed to define the maximum VDOP for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
VPEUsed to define the maximum VPE for the GPS quality control settings in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
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