What is Portal for ArcGIS?
An example of using Portal for ArcGIS in your organization
Common clients of Portal for ArcGIS
What's new in Portal for ArcGIS 10.2.2
What's new in Portal for ArcGIS 10.2.1
Get started
Setting language
Managing your profile
My Organization
About member roles in the portal
About geographic information
Common questions
What is an ArcGIS web map?
Linking to web maps
Embedding web maps
Viewing web maps in the map viewer
Showing tables in the web map
Applying filters
Getting directions
Measuring area, distance, and location
About editing features
Editing feature service layers
Filtering edits
Disabling editing on a layer
About time-enabled web maps
Configuring time settings
Viewing time-enabled web maps
Viewing a legend
About authoring web maps
Choosing a basemap
What layers can you add to your map?
Searching for layers
Adding layers from the web
Adding layers from files
Adding map notes
Adding route layers
About KML
About OGC
About ArcGIS Server web services
About shapefiles
About CSV, TXT, and GPX files
About map notes
About working with layers
Changing the transparency of layers
Setting visibility range
Organizing layers
Displaying image layers
Setting refresh interval
Saving item properties
About classifying attributes
Using a single symbol
Using unique symbols
Using color
Using size
About displaying attributes with pop-up windows
Enabling and removing pop-up windows
Configuring pop-up windows
Showing images in pop-up windows
Showing charts in pop-up windows
Showing attachments in pop-up windows
Bookmarking places
Setting web map options for applications
Saving web maps
Using URL parameters
About web application templates
Publishing applications from web maps
Downloading web application templates
Creating web application templates
Adding configurable parameters to templates
What is CityEngine Web Viewer?
Using CityEngine Web Viewer
CityEngine Web Viewer troubleshooting
What can you add to your portal?
Adding web maps
Connecting to secured services
Adding files from your computer
Adding items from the web
Adding applications
Relationships between web services and portal items
Best practices for sharing
Sharing items in Portal for ArcGIS
Sharing web maps
Sharing web applications
Sharing mobile applications
Sharing ArcGIS for Desktop content
Linking to content
What are Portal for ArcGIS hosted services?
Hosted feature services
Hosted tiled map services
Publishing a hosted feature service in Portal for ArcGIS using a shapefile or CSV file
Publishing a hosted feature service using an ArcMap document
Enabling a hosted feature service for offline mapping
Creating attachments on a hosted feature service
Editor settings for hosted feature services
Enabling editor tracking on a hosted feature service
Enabling ownership-based access control on a hosted feature service
Publishing a hosted tiled map service to Portal for ArcGIS using an ArcMap document
Publishing a hosted tiled map service from a service definition file
Building a cache for a hosted tiled map service
Best practices for hosted tiled map services
Using hosted services with Portal for ArcGIS
Administering hosted services
Using search
Viewing search results
Opening content
Item details
Finding content for ArcGIS desktop products
About working with groups
Joining groups
Creating groups
Owning groups
Sharing groups
Linking to groups
Embedding groups
Creating applications with groups
Using Portal for ArcGIS with ArcGIS for Desktop
Managing portal connections from ArcGIS for Desktop
Signing in to Portal for ArcGIS from ArcMap
Copyright information
ArcGIS Acknowledgments